Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week of Nov.26th-30th

Welcome back, I hope you all enjoyed your week off. We are going to begin a new book as well as a new math unit! My goal is to finish both before we leave for our Christmas break. That means lots of work to do. Please complete the following activities.

Fractions Shoot
Fractions as Parts of sets
Prime Numbers
Melvin's Make a Match

Reading/Language Arts:
George Washington's Socks site

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week of November 12th-16th

This is our last week before Thanksgiving break. It is also Miss McKenzie's last week of full time teaching. I will be taking back over after we return from our break. I have missed teaching you all these last four weeks.

Complete the following activities:

Number invaders
Number eaters
Factor feeders

Fling the Teacher
poetry theater (use this site to find your next poem for "Coffee Shop")

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week of Nov. 5th-9th


 I am finally updating my blog. I apologize for leaving the other one up so long. I think most of you know that my father-in-law died last week. It was a very sad day for my family and I have been out trying to help with everything. You should be seeing me a lot more, but Ms. McKenzie will still be teaching for 2 more weeks and then I will slowly start taking back some of the lessons. I have missed working with all of you so much! I am giving you some new activities for this week. Enjoy!

color world
quick math
grand slam math
calculator chaos
algebra puzzle

Poetry for Kids
Fizzy Funny Fuzzy Poetry
Fling the Teacher