Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week of Sept.27th- Oct.1

We will begin a new story this week. We will work on dictionary skills and common/proper nouns. Please complete the following activities to help you practice.

Spelling City
Vocabulary Match
Dino Hunters
typing level 1 (You will need to play this game and level 2 many, many times. The more you play, the better your typing skills will become)
typing level 2

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week of Sept.20th-24th

Another week of "What Jo Did".... We will continue working on common/proper nouns so I have added another game to help you practice. We will also be working on drawing conclusion in reading. Make sure you read your story this week, study your spelling words and look over your D.O.L.

Spelling city
Rusty Rat
Drawing conclusions quiz
Cows in context

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week of Sept.13th-17th

I am allowing 2 weeks for the story I will introduce tomorrow. We will be working on cause/effect, prefixes, and drawing conclusions. I am linking some activities I would like for you to complete. Remember, the more you practice, the better you will get at these skills. :)

Parents: I love for the children to complete these activities at home, but please remind them that they are still expected to do them again when I have class time for them as well.

Spelling City
Noun Dunk
Cause and Effect

Compound Subject/Predicate quiz (Thursday)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We will continue the same story this week. I would like for you to play a different game on Spelling City when you visit that site. You are still required to complete the following activities. Have a great week!

Spelling City
Subject speedway
Penguins on Ice