Monday, December 13, 2010

Week of Dec.13th-17th

I don't know about you, but I am super excited about Christmas break! Let's enjoy this week with some fun but educational games......maybe a little more fun than educational though. ;)

Book worm
Interactive math site (you can play anything on this website)

Last, Christmas is quickly approaching and that means a lot of fun times with your family and friends. I found the cutest website I would like for you to visit and enjoy. These two activities are completely optional. They are meant for fun, not for a grade. If you complete the "naughty or nice" activity, let me know what you scored and I will tell you what I scored. :)

Letter to Santa
Naughty or nice

Monday, December 6, 2010

Week of Dec. 6th-10th

This is such an exciting time of year! I love getting ready for Christmas break. Please complete the following activites. Remember the more you complete these, the better you will get!

Space Racer (Only play this game if you think you are REALLY good at your multipliction facts)

Power Proofreading (Please click on "The Big Cleanup") This game will not play on the laptops, you will need to use the desktop computers for it.

Cows Context Clues

Dino Hunters